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PTSA Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Survivor Supports


In February 2021, several Shorewood High School students gathered to protest sexual assault among high school students.  Our PTSA met with some of these students several times to discuss possible actions in regards to this issue.  We recognize that sexual assault has always been a problem at high schools and we are looking for ways to create a culture that does not tolerate any form of harassment at our school; a culture that is safe for all. We are guided by the WA state PTA resolution 2.21 Sexual Violence and Harassment Prevention and Survivor Supports.

The primary request that students made was for increased family and student education.  On November 14 and 15, 2022, the SWHS PTSA helped support SAFER Choices assemblies for students and families.  These assemblies provided a thought provoking look at dating and intimacy as well as serious issues like sexual assault.  Here is a summary of these events:


Today’s students face a sexualized culture where dangerous behaviors regarding intimacy, alcohol, drugs, sexting, porn, and “hooking up” are continually promoted in various mediums. Consequently, schools, colleges, and universities throughout the country are seeing cases of sexual misconduct – including sexual harassment and sexual assault cases among their students. To best protect our students, we want to be proactive in providing our students the skills to best protect themselves and their peers.


On November 15th during the school day, Shorewood brought a powerful educational assembly program led by Mike Domitrz to our students. Parents, educators, and community members throughout the country and from all walks of life (cultural, faith, socio-economic) praise this educational program for creating significant change in students’ ability to make safer choices in their lives and in the lives of their peers, especially concerning healthy relationships, sexual decision-making, respecting boundaries, porn, sexting, consent, reducing sexual harassment and stopping sexual assault from happening. Mike also met with student clubs after the assembly - the SWHS ASB Sexual Health and Prevention Peer Education Club, Gender Equity Club, and ASB Core Leadership. 


In addition to our student assembly, Mike Domitrz offered a free evening program designed specifically for parents and caregivers. The program entitled, “SAFER Choices for my Child in a Sexualized World”, was the evening of November 14th in the SWHS Theater. The parent/caregiver presentation was interactive, thought-provoking, and provided essential strategies and skills for families to help their child make safer choices around dating, intimacy, alcohol (and other drugs), porn, sexting, consent, and much more.


You can learn more about The Center for Respect, Mike Domitrz, and both sessions online at


In addition to family and student education, the students of the 2021 protest asked for and our PTSA is inquiring into:

  • Staff training.  Currently staff training includes a once a year video going over sexual misconduct.  We would like to expand that awareness.

  • District policies. We have been meeting with the Shoreline PTA Council's mental health committee to analyze district policies and procedures for students who report sexual assault.

  • Expanding support for student victims.  We are exploring how we can best encourage students to come forward to report sexual assault, and then help them once they have.

  • Structure for ongoing work. 


Contact: If you have any questions about the PTSA workgroup or would like to get involved, please contact





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