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Shorewood PTSA provides academic enrichment and support for all students. Our programs are made possible by our members and donors. 

Academic Support

Classroom Grants (formerly known as EQC) offers classroom grants. Teachers apply for grants in the fall and the committee fills as many requests as possible. 

Homework Club is Shorewood's primary intervention for kids who are receiving a failing grade in at least one class. PTSA supports this program through grants to the school.

AP Prep allows teachers of Shorewood AP classes a chance to hold extra preparatory sessions in the spring prior to the tests in May. 


Shorewood Career Center (After Shorewood)

Assists families in their search for post-high school options.


College Application Essay Workshops are scheduled at times during the school year and summer to offer rising seniors a chance to get started on their essays, and be given helpful tips and direction. 

Events & Speakers for parents and students, including panel discussions on: College Athletics; FAFSA applications, Sending Kids off for the First Time; First Semester in College, Mental Health, and more. 


Website has resources and information on college applications, scholarships, community service, testing, and much more. Shorewood Career Center

Basic Needs Support

Back to School Event distributes new backpacks filled with school supplies, toiletry kits, and much more. For more information, see  the Back to School Consortium Event page. 


Food and Teen Gift Drive provides a December boost for Shoreline School District families in need. At Shorewood, the PTSA works in conjunction with ASB Leadership. District-wide, many social service agencies help with this Shoreline PTA Council led effort. 

The Works offers Shoreline School District families in need a place for no-cost school clothes and supplies. The Works is open every Wednesday evening during the school year. The Works website

Emergency snacks & weekend food support for students are coordinated through the Shorewood counselling office. 

Events and Activities

Participation in various school events: The PTSA plans on being involved in various school events during the year including sports, clubs and music events.  Need help at an event?  Email us and we would love to help and/or volunteer!


Lattes for Letters recognizes teachers who have written letters of recommendation for our seniors. A coordinator solicits help and coffee beverages are hand-delivered to teachers on a designated day. 


Reflections is the nationwide PTA arts contest. PTSA administers the contest at Shorewood. Student projects often move on to the District and the State levels. More details here

Advocacy and Communication 

Legislation is the part of PTSA connected to State-level educational matters. We will keep you informed about school funding, testing requirements, and other issues that will affect your student. 


Membership provides Shorewood parents a way to be connected to the PTSA and the school. Members receive occasional emails about PTSA events or educational news. 


Newsletter. The Shorewood Newsletter in partnership with Boosters provides parent/ guardians with pertinent information on a monthly basis. The Newsletter is delivered via PDF  to all email addresses in the school database. Check with the school office to be sure that your email address is current. 


Website. The PTSA website provides a home for PTSA information and complements the Shorewood School Website. Check out Advocacy News on this page

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